My name is Paul Bartlett, and I am a dabbler.

But despite the AA-style introduction, I’m not looking to “cure” myself of this; just to be more effective in what I do. I realise that time is a precious commodity, and that spreading myself too thin might seem a bit wasteful, but having many and wide-ranging interests seems to be a strong and long-lived trait of who I am, so I intend to embrace it!

dabble, verb. Gerund or present participle: dabbling

  1. immerse (one’s hands or feet) partially in water and move them around gently: “they dabbled their feet in the rock pools”
  2. take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way: “he dabbled in left-wing politics”

Future posts and articles will give plenty of details of where my interests lie, but here’s a quick overview:

  • Photography
  • Music
    • Theory
    • Playing (want to learn tin whistle and/or ukelele)
    • Vinyl
  • Games (video, board and card games)
  • Technology
    • Coding (for work and fun)
    • Electronics
    • Blogging / web publishing
  • Outdoorsy stuff
    • Scouting
    • Camping
    • Basic prepping
  • Toys Educational items
  • And others I’ve likely forgotten!

So the general idea behind this site is to be more organised about my dabbling vice, whilst simultaneously scratching my web publishing itch and documenting a few things along the way to hopefully allow others to be more effective in the pursuit of their interests too, whether they are dabbling or being more focussed.

So if any of the above sound interesting to you then do check back periodically. Hopefully very soon I’ll have an RSS feed up and running (as soon as there’s a more typical, short-form post) which should make this somewhat easier for people. And I do intend to write a few long-form pieces too; most likely starting with how I set this up.

Bye for now!
